A Systematic Review of Suicide Prevention Interventions Targeting Indigenous Peoples

BMC Public Health

A Systematic Review of Suicide Prevention Interventions Targeting Indigenous Peoples in Australia, United States, Canada and New Zealand.
“The urgent need to reduce the disproportionately high rates of suicide in Indigenous peoples of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States has been widely acknowledged.
In order for this to occur, an increase in the number of evaluations of preventive interventions targeting reductions in Indigenous suicide using methodologically rigorous study designs across geographically and culturally diverse Indigenous population groups is required.
While evaluations of suicide prevention interventions in discrete Indigenous communities using non-experimental designs may be easier and cheaper to implement, they are unlikely to provide strong evidence applicable to other Indigenous populations.
Without this evidence there is an increased likelihood that ineffective interventions will be implemented to prevent suicide in Indigenous peoples of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States, reducing the likelihood of achieving significant reductions in rates of suicide in these populations.”
Find the report here.

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